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Recommended Products 

We are often asked where to buy and which pyrography machines we use. 

The first machine, listed below is the one we use for our workshops 

The second machine by Charnwood is considered high quality and one that we are familiar with. 

*If you decide to shop with us we are paid a small commission as an Amazon affiliate – thank you! 


pyrography machine

 <a target="_blank" href=";keywords=peter+childs+pyrography+kit&amp;qid=1705494753&amp;s=diy&amp;sprefix=peter+childs+%252Cdiy%252C196&amp;sr=1-1&amp;ufe=app_do%253Aamzn1.fos.d7e5a2de-8759-4da3-993c-d11b6e3d217f&_encoding=UTF8&tag=creativeuk-21&linkCode=ur2&linkId=85412a801b05cf6768df7b0c9c2ca028&camp=1634&creative=6738">charnwood burner</a>

charnwood pyrography machine